* Theosophy World News is an independent and international quarterly newsletter, a non-commercial collection of relevant worldwide free theosophical content (news from societies, articles from websites, videos, magazines, social-media, upcoming events, books etc.) in English language. Subscribe today and get this huge time saver and magnificent reading every three months straight into your mailbox, free of charge!

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Recent Issues

Dear friends of Theosophy, this is for the time being the last issue of Theosophy World News. 10 years ago, at the beginning of 2014, the first Theosophy World Newsletter was published and about 40 issues have been published since then. At that…
Dear friends of Theosophy, may you have noticed, the last issue (the 39th) was cancelled. Apologies for this. Didn't master KH write (to Sinnett), that the masters major goal is to teach humanity to love virtue for its own sake and didn't he also…
Dear friends of Theosophy, let's look with this 38th issue of Theosophy World News quarterly what has been moving the Theosophical Movement in the last 3 months. We already pointed out in our last issue the considerable work of Shawn F. Higgins…
Dear friends of Theosophy, I have already mentioned it once or twice, the first quarter of the year is usually the quietest in terms of Theosophy, while the last is usually the busiest. So it is even more worthwhile to browse the blogs and many…
Dear friends of Theosophy, a new year -- or starting a new cycle on our impressive way around the sun -- has begun, but with this 36th issue of Theosophy World News we take a look back at all that happened in the matter of Theosophy in the last…
Dear friends of Theosophy, welcome to this belated 35th issue of Theosophy World News, a slightly shorter issue as usual. You may recall the $64 mill land deal at TS Adyar in Chennai that we reported on in the last issue. A majority (64:36%)…
Dear friends of Theosophy, this 34th issue includes some strange occurrences: In TS Adyar England there was a (forced?) resignation of a National Secretary accompanied (in the rumor mill) by very serious allegations, read about it the Section with…
Dear friends of theosophy, with this 33rd quarterly issue Theosophy World News starts it's 9th year to give all interested people a quick overview of international happenings in the field of Theosophy. And while the 4th quarter is often a very busy…
Dear friends of Theosophy, Never. Rather perish the Theosophical Society with both its hapless founders than that we should permit it to become no better than an academy of magic and a hall of occultism. You probably know this quote from the so-…
Dear friends of Theosophy, since 8 years this independent newsletter every 3 months summarizes the most important theosophical events and publications (in English language). If you are interested in Theosophy in all its variations and want to know…
Dear friends of Theosophy, the 30th issue of Theosophy World News and it was a rather quiet quarter, although the frequency of online lectures or discussion panels remains high. The efforts of EuST namely Mrs. Erica Georgiades, are currently…
Dear friends of Theosophy, we should congratulate Adyar. Even if different numbers are reported, from 2,264 registered participants from 80 countries [1] to 2,713 from 73 countries [2], the 145th Adyar Convention shows that hybrid events, with…
Dear friends of Theosophy, with this issue we conclude the year 2020, an exceptional year -- we hope. The Prussians had many virtues, one of them was, to learn to suffer without complaining. For the ancient Teutons, there was one authority that…
Dear friends of Theosophy, between the first and second Covid19-Wave now burning cities in North-America and a worldwide anti-racist effort with more or less brutal riots. This society is not finding back to peace. And the subject of racism will…
Dear friends of Theosophy, the new decade starts quite bumpy. What do you think about the lockdown of the world because of a flu epidemic? It's a global tragedy, not only for those, who lost loved ones, that's already obvious. And it just started…
Dear friends of Theosophy, with the lasst issue I carried on the series "Top 10 misbeliefs of theosophical scholars" and I put a poll below the article, so the outcome is: 60% agreed, that Not everything what happend to me is my own self-inflicted…
Dear friends of Theosophy, a sad message arrived me after editorial deadline: Dr. John Algeo, UGA Emeritus Professor of English, died October 13 in Bowling Green, KY, age 88, as Theos Talk and Theosophyfoward reported. I wish to extend my sincere…
Dear friends of Theosophy, sometimes the allegation of beeing an "Adyar newsletter" was made and even if the one or other is laughing about this (I'm really independet), sometimes I understand it. Every quarter I strive through the web and what…
Dear friends of Theosophy, the 21th Issue of "Thesosophy World News" includes again many references to articles and news about theosophical point of views. If You know websites I don't incorporate so far, then send me a hint. If you still not…
Dear friends of Theosophy, five years ago I've started this Newsletter and this is the 20th Issue, a bit late and a shorter one, in fact, but - here it is. The biggest impact (as far as I know) in the matter of Theosophy within last quarter…
Dear friends of Theosophy, another three month passed by and we have news, pictures and videos from ITC 2018 in Berlin and from the 11th Adyar World Congress in the Theosophical Societies Section and of course a lot of new Magazines (right sidebar…
Dear friends of Theosophy, first of all, register now for this free and none-commercial newsletter, so you get all of this information every quarter straight into your mailbox. Do you know the Website archive.org? It's a kind of Internet Archive.…
Dear friends of Theosophy, some spectecular insights from TS Adyar are all over town, f.e., that Tim Boyds Presidentship ended after three years automatcically and his further activities are ilegal, because of the "Tamil Nadu Societies Registration…
Dear friends of Theosophy, another three month passed by and as usual, the last three month of the year were more contemplative or quiet as the rest. Nevertheless, important things going on, worldwide and also in relation to the Theosophical…
Dear friends of Theosophy, I want to say thank you to all, that reply by reason of my last newsletter and the question "To be or not to be". It helped me a lot to understand some important points. It is as I said, more than 80% of Theosophists…
Dear friends of Theosophy, this issue is a shorter one, fore some reasons. First, there is unfortunately no press review from outside the movement, because of technical problems (but the next issue will include such press-review again). Second,…
Dear friends of Theosophy, again I collected a wide news-overview from inside and outside the movement about Theosophy as you can see in the different sections below and in the right sidebar. But be, fore you start reading, I'm sharing with you an…
Dear friends of Theosophy, much has happened in the last quarter, f.e. the 141st International Convention of TS Adyar (all of the videos are online!), also the Celebration of the Foundation Day of the TS, that all gets much publicitiy in social…
Dear friends of Theosophy, via different channels the message arrived, that a never before published Blavatsky letter (property of the Harvard Andover Theological Library in Boston, Mass.) will be available for the first time in the journal…
Dear friends of Theosophy, in regard to the last three months, also the quarter of the 125th White Lotus Day on May 8, I can state, on the whole, bussines as usual in the theosophical world. And like in every issue, I collected News from…
Dear friends of Theosophy, I've changed a bit the concept of the newsletter, main reason is a lack of time. So everything is like in every issue, except that I shortened the sections by writing more in running text instead of giving each article a…
Dear friends of Theosophy, let's have a briefly overview what happened durng the last quarter of 2015. Beside the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Theosophical Society on Nov. 17 and other international events, f.e. the Parliament of the…
Dear friends of Theosophy, it's very interesting to notice more and more theosophical events on universities, for example the "International Conference: Theosophy Across Boundaries" that took place two weeks ago at the Center for American Studies…
Dear friends of Theosophy, a lot has happened within the last three months. Of course we celebrated the so called "White Lotus Day" in memory of our honorable teacher Madame Helena P. Blavatsky in May, many events took place and a lot of articles,…
Dear friends of Theosophy, 12 month ago the first Issue of "Theosophy World News" was published. Since then, four issues later, over 500 pieces of international theosophy-relates news, articles, videos, magazines and books were collected and were…
Dear friends of Theosophy, hopefully you got a good start into the new year, but before we go ahead, let's throw a glance backwards. Beside the 139th anniversary celebration of the founding of TS on November 17, also the 139th annual Convention of…
Dear friends of Theosophy, further three months passed away, three months, during which I unfortunately could not view as close as I want to the movement. But what I recognized was that many events were held during the summer and you should have a…
Dear friends of Theosophy, the response on the first independent "Theosopy-World-News"-Newsletter were all very positive (see on the right side section Statements). That makes me happy and motivated and today, a little bit late, but not to late,…
Dear friends of Theosophy, Theosophy has given me so much and of course it still gives me a lot. So I want to give something back and this is the cause of this independent quarterly overview of published theosophical content worldwide. And you can…