From The New Indian Express and its article The search for truth with Boyd's theosophy we get to know, that the Theosophical Society Adyar has worldwide 28,000 members in 70 countries and that 40 per cent of the membership comes from India.
Unfortunately no single word, that there are other Theosophical Societies in the world.
Earlier this Newspaper reported about the founding-festivities of the TS Adyar in the article Unique for its ideology and ambiance.
The Assam Tribune published some news about the annual general meeting of the Assam Theosophical Federation (Adyar) in the article Theosophical body meet stresses brotherhood among nations.
On the Website a triubut to Benjamin Creme was publised, named Waiting for Maitreya, because Benjamin Creme died in London in October 2016, at the age of 93, a trip to the weird world of "New Age".
A short summary of HPB'S life was published in the JStor Daily in the article Spiritualism, Science, and the Mysterious Madame Blavatsky.
You can find smome relations to the Theosophical Society in Hyderabad within this article at Global order: Ideologies, Religions, Sufism and Sindh-Balochistan - V
In The Wall Street Journal Theosophy is mentioned in relation with Piet Mondrian in the article A Starry Christmas (costs). Mondrian (and Theosophy) was also a topic in the Kansas City InfoZine in relation to an Exhibition in Spring 2017 at the the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, read more in this article: Nelson-Atkins Celebrates Henry Block with New Acquisition. writes about the abstract painter Agnes Martin (1912-2004) and that she was in his early days theosophy-inspirated, see here: Agnes Martin's Contemporary Sublime.
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra lights up Scriabin’s bold “Prometheus: Poem of Fire” with pianist Elizabeth Pridgen and therfore also Theosophy was mentioned. Scriabin and Theosophy is also a topic of the article National Capital Orchestra features Canberra composer Sally Greenaway on program of the Canberra Times.
Even in a review of the a new Hollywood Superhero-Movie "Doctor Strange" Theosopy is mentiod, because one main topic in this film is an idea similar to the Astral-Plane, but in the film called the Astra Plane, also The Huffington Post wrote about in the article A Brief History of Doctor Strange and His Relationship with Tibet, Occultism, and Buddhism in which Blavatsky is named.
In The Weekend Australian we can get a short introduction into the history of abstract painting, and so Theosophy must not absence, see here: John Olsen’s instinct and intuition on show at Melbourne’s NGV.
And in an article on about the artist Allison Pharmakis we can read, that she is studying Theosophy.
The ranch of a satanic cult in Canada, founded by Edward Arthur Wilson (aka Brother XII) of which is said, that he was a Canadian Theosophist, is for sale, as reported in the aricle For sale: Canada’s enclave of ‘downright evil,’ the abandoned home of an apocalyptic 1920s cult. here another article that deals with this sad stuff: What Happened To This Cult Leader's Lost Treasure? on Atlas Obscura.
In HAARETZ a short summary of the life of Francis Israel Regudy who was in contact with Theosophy but better known as se secratary of the black magican Allister Crowley in the article 'Master of Darkness': The Esoteric Life of a Jewish Occultist Called Israel.
The Hindu published an article named Beginning of birding in India about Robert Prys-Jones that traces the interesting life of A.O.Hume, the father of Indian Ornithology. Hume turned vegetarian and decided to stop killing and collecting birds as he was in his 50s and interest in theosophy.
Daily News asks Reincarnation: is it possible? and trace belief in the Western World back back to "Father Leadbeater and Madam Helena Blavatsky".
In The Sydney Morning Herald we read in the article Madeleine St John's masterpiece The Women in Black more optimistic than its author about the author Madeleine St John and get to know, that "she worked privately on her own writing, obsessively researching a biography of Madame Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, that didn't find a publisher".
In The Island we can read in the article Jews who left their footprint in Ceylon that "Mrs. Musaeus, ... was greatly impressed with the charismatic duo of Colonel Henry Steele Olcott and Madame Blavatsky. She followed in their footsteps to the British Colony of Ceylon."
it's tried to connect theosophy to the cruel cult of Anne Hamilton-Byrne in this article Growing up with The Family: inside Anne Hamilton-Byrne’s sinister cult in The Guardian, although it comes more clear in this article Inside the cult known as 'The Family', that she "cobbled together a hodgepodge of Indian/Eastern beliefs, quasi-religions like Blavatsky's theosophy, a dab of Christianity and a lot of wishy-washy 'New Age'" both book reviews of the book from Chris Johnston & Rosie Jones with the same name.