Theosophy News Worldwide 3rd Quarter 2022

This issue was published on 2022-11-05 or 1 year 11 months ago.


Steven Otto

Dear friends of Theosophy,

welcome to this belated 35th issue of Theosophy World News, a slightly shorter issue as usual.

You may recall the $64 mill land deal at TS Adyar in Chennai that we reported on in the last issue. A majority (64:36%) answered yes to the question of whether members should also be consulted on such exceptionally important decisions.

And also in this issue we have a very striking decision of TS Adyar again, a -- as far as known -- groundless liquidation of a lodge, read more about it in the Topic of the quarter.

My inquiry about the presumably forced resignation of a National Secretary and Board member (director) of TS Adyar (Foundation) England (we reported in the last issue) remained unanswered.

The headlines within TS Adyar, have for years been of less than pleasant, to put it kindly. It's all the more pleasing that, at least internationally, Theosophy is currently mentioned in the press in a predominantly positive way. In the last quarter Theosophy was mentioned in the New Yorker, in the Financial Times, in Vouge and other magazines online, mostly in connection with art: Read more about it yourself in the section Press about Theosophy. And as always, the other sections of course are also worth a visit.

I would like to make a personal reading recommendation in the matter of practical or true theosophy with an article by Pradeep H. Gohil in the Sept.-Issue of The Indian Theosophist named "A Step Forward".

And now I wish you an informative read and a peaceful autumn.

With kind regards from Germany

Steven Otto
Editor of Theosophy World News

PS: Feedback is welcome and please spread -- the must read quarterly -- with your theosophical friends. Thank You for supporting this independent theosophical non-profit project.

Topic of the quarter

Liquidation of the Adamant Lodge Russia by TS Adyar

With the letter from TS Adyar, signed by Tim Boyd, accusing Russian Adamant Lodge of misconduct, the lodge is expelled from TS Aydar effective immediately. You can read the letter here (jpg).

What may seem like an, albeit extraordinary, measure is justified becomes incomprehensible when one reads the Adamant Lodge statement claiming,

The decision of the General Council of the Theosophical Society (Adyar), headed by an American citizen Tim Boyd, to liquidate the Adamant Lodge without providing the documents on the basis of which this decision was made is unprecedented. The leadership of Adyar did not bother to acquaint the Theosophists with either the Protocol of the General Council or any other information, for example, who exactly was present at the General Council and what exactly the Adamant Lodge was accused of, did not bother to request explanations from the Adamant Lodge, on the basis of which a decision would have been made to revoke the status of a Lodge (Charter).

This now had the consequence

that the Russian Lodge "Adamant", as well as other members of the Theosophical Society with diplomas from the TS (Adyar), namely 46 theosophists, announce their official withdrawal from membership of the TS (Adyar), according to their personal statements.

You can read the full statement of the Lodge here. So form your own opinion.

However, if it's true, that such a far-reaching decision is made without giving any concrete reasons, then it seemingly is an injustice, which currently appears as a continuation of the geopolitical problems within the movement of Theosophy. Once again, this would not reflect well on Adyar.

Press outside the movement about Theosophy


Lemuria: The Mythical Lost Continent That (Almost) Turned Out to Be Rea
Sclater’s theory took off and was especially popular amongst Victorian occultists. One such occultist was Helena Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophy movement, who made Lemuria part of her religious doctrine by teaching that the lost continent was the birthplace of humanity. Blavatsky called these human ancestors Lemurians, a mystical society of enlightened beings who lived in “heaven on Earth.”
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Hindustan Times

A large-hearted liberal called BP Wadia
It was around this time that young Bahmanji was first exposed to the writings of the controversial Russian aristocrat and spiritual medium, Madame Helena Blavatsky, who, along with the American Henry Olcott, had established the Theosophical Society in 1875.
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This day, that year: What happened on October 1 in history
From the birth of Annie Besant to the annual celebration of International Day of Older Persons, much has happened on this day over the years.
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Annie Besant
Born in October, 1847, Annie Besant was an Irish lady who joined INC and was involved in political and educational activities in India. Besant, who was first women President of Congress, was one of the founders of Banaras Hindu University. Besant who was proponent of atheism and scientific belief in Britain was focused on providing impoverished with better living conditions. She helped launch of Home Rule League to campaign for democracy in India. Even after World War 1, she continued to campaign for Indian independence and for the causes of theosophy until she died in 1933. She authored many works and is also credited with starting a newspaper called ‘New India’.
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Seven industry legends hold lessons beyond print - The Noel D'Cunha Sunday Column
Pandya shares, “Dr Besant wanted to print the literature of the Theosophical Society and Indian National Congress in Banaras, and my great grandfather was assigned the task to establish a printing press” He adds, “Freeman was a teacher and mentor of Dr Annie Besant. That’s how the press was established in the campus of the Theosophical Society compound.”
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This day, that year: What happened on September 20 in history
From the death of Annie Besant to the revocation of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, much has happened on this day over the years.
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Romulo Galicano: Philippines’ national treasure
As he [Romulo Galicano] matured and continuously learned about art, he encountered the book, “The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting,” wherein he discovered about theosophy, which has influenced the works of many visual artists such as the presence of vertical movement in paintings.
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Luigi Pericle: A Rediscovery
Luigi Pericle (1916-2001) was a fascinating and singular artist. A Swiss painter of Italian origin, he was also an illustrator, writer and a scholar of esoteric philosophies such as astrology, theosophy and alchemy.
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Hossein Behzad’s miniature style named national heritage
Indeed, Persian miniature, which has once been inspired by Chinese painting methods and assimilated with a unique perspective of Iranian art, has made a path for the emergence of divine effects in Iranian painting before the advent of Islam; and, afterward, has finally merged with theosophy and Islamic thoughts.
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Book Review: Agnes Pelton’s Late Vindication
In the first decades of the century, syncretic spirituality was popular, especially on the West Coast, and Pelton particularly admired the eclectic metaphysics of Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy and New Thought, and consistently created imagery to illustrate the esoteric concepts which intrigued members of these groups.
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A Man of the New Deal
The Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center in Springs is having a "friendship circle" season. Pollock and Lehman, who died in 2006 and was originally from New York City, met at the Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles when both were teens. They also befriended Philip Guston, another budding artist who as a student there was known as Philip Goldstein. Their mentor, who supplemented their studies with additional drawing classes, was the person who introduced them to the ideas of theosophy and Krishnamurti.
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Pamela Colman Smith Was the Artist and Occultist Who Designed the Iconic Tarot Deck. Why Has No One Ever Heard Her Name?
For Haskell, these influences were symptomatic of the time. “Smith represents a strain of artists in early American Modernism who were disaffected with materialism and rationalism, but who were also unsatisfied with organized religion and so turned toward more occult pursuits,” she explained. “Theosophy was so influential at the turn of the century and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was similar—a secret society that looked at ancient texts, the kabbalah, and tarot cards. This was predominant among women and I think of Agnes Pelton as a parallel.”
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Everything You Need to Know About Elsa Schiaparelli Ahead of the Shocking! Exhibition in Paris
Attends a lecture on theosophy in London given by Comte William de Wendt de Kerlor. “He spoke of the power of the soul over the body, of magic and eternal youth. Schiap listened spellbound,” the designer later wrote. The following day she becomes betrothed to the lecturer; they marry in a civil ceremony.
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Visionary artists’ works illuminate The Crocker
The Transcendental Painting Group achieved its modernity through potently charged shapes, patterns and archetypes that they believed dwelled in the “collective unconscious.” The artists looked to a wide variety of literary, religious and philosophical forces, including Zen Buddhism, Theosophy, Agni Yoga, Carl Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche, and were greatly impacted by the Russian-born artist and theoretician Wassily Kandinsky.
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The Mysteries of Mondrian
Mondrian was caught up for much of his life in Theosophy, the anti-materialist mythos that was initiated in 1875, in New York, by the much travelled Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
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London show shines a light on the 20th-century artist-cum-composer who Lithuanians consider a national hero
His studies in Warsaw and Leipzig, and a period in St Petersburg, brought Čiurlionis within the orbit of the major intellectual and artistic circles of the time. Like many of his contemporaries, such as his fellow synaesthetic composer Alexander Scriabin, Čiurlionis was interested in the esoteric religion of theosophy, and the blurring of boundaries between painting and music.
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A brush with art and history in Rathgar
A home that once belonged to artist George Russell and was later owned by the conservator who restored the Book of Kells is on the market oth were advocates of theosophy, a late 19th century movement purporting that divine wisdom controls our lives, and mysticism, and these were the subjects he wrote about. We can conclude that these and other topics, including the politics of the time, were discussed at Number 17.
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Mondrian Evolution, Fondation Beyeler review — a masterly line-up from the master of lines
Mondrian’s journey towards abstraction encompassed several turning points. An esoteric soul from the start, in 1908 he discovered theosophy.
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Beatrice Hastings: The Forgotten Modernist
Hastings and Orage met at a talk given at London’s Theosophical Society; Hastings notably embraced the movement and later penned a controversial defense of its founder, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
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Overlooked for decades, the spiritual and surreal paintings of Audra Skuodas make a star turn in Cleveland’s Front triennial
Pearson Lane says. “She believed in the teachings of Jesus, but she also believed in the teachings of Buddha, of Madame Blavatsky and all these spiritual seekers. What were those prophets telling us? What was the wisdom, what was beneath the words?”
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Forgotten tales - The freedom movement in Madras
But with Theosophy’s vision of ancient India as a magnificent society, it was only a matter of time before that pride was converted to patriotism. Also, the gathering of people beyond the racial and religious divide in the society helped to establish previously impossible links.
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Witnessing Islam’s truth: Henry Steel Olcott and Charles Bradlaugh invited to Qadian by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Another prominent member who was fortunate to receive this invitation was Henry Steel Olcott – a founding member of the Theosophical Society and its first president until he died in 1907. He received the two circulars from the Promised Messiahas regarding his book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya and his claim to be the Reformer of the Age which Olcott reprinted in the September issue of his journal The Theosophist in 1886.
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The esoteric creed of King Charles
Of course this overlaps with all sorts of religious conservatism, but in its inter-faith emphasis it is particularly close to a movement called ’perennial philosophy’, which is partly inspired by René Guénon, a Frenchman who converted to Sufi Islam in the early 20th century. It’s basically Theosophy but with less of an esoteric aura.
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The Profound Impact of Vedanta on America
I had hardly entered the premises of the Metaphysical Club at Boston, when a lady asked me if I could practise mental healing. Lectures on Karma are delivered even by American preachers who understand our theories very imperfectly. Theosophy is well repre­sented in this country, and there is a regu­lar Raja Yoga College at Point Loma in California under the direction of Mrs. Catherine Tingley.
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To Die Alone: On Coco Picard’s “The Healing Circle”
In her writing, Picard never shies away from the absurd, nor does she ever fail to give nonhuman characters their moment to shine: in her 2017 graphic novel, Chronicles of Fortune, Picard dives into the bizarre, profound nature of everyday life — her protagonist, a superhero with a bad case of ennui, goes on adventures with the story’s colorful deuteragonists, who include a mountain, a stove, and a moth. So it is no surprise when Ursula strikes a friendship with an aloe plant, whom she names Madame Blavatsky. Ursula forms a strange bond with Madame Blavatsky, who remains by her side through the duration of her hospital stay. As Ursula’s physical condition fluctuates, so too does Madame Blavatsky’s, who drops and grows new arms faster than Ursula can count them. Through limb-droppings and repottings, Madame Blavatsky continues to grow. Nature persists, while Ursula looks on, increasingly unable to perform basic bodily functions.
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Margherita Hack: The centenary of the birth of Margherita Hack, one of Italy’s most illustrious astrophysicists and the first woman to become the director of an astronomy observatory (Trieste, 1964–87), was celebrated on June 12, 2022.
Margherita Hack was born on June 12, 1922, while her family was living (somewhat prophetically) in via delle Cento Stelle in the Campo di Marte neighbourhood, although the rationalist she became would never have acknowledged it. She was the daughter of Roberto Hack, a bookkeeper of Protestant-Swiss origin who worked for the city’s electricity company until he was dismissed for his anti-fascist ideas, and his wife, Maria Luisa Poggesi, a Catholic and a graduate of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, who worked as a miniaturist at the Uffizi to support the family through financially difficult times. Both parents would leave their religions to join the Italian Theosophical Society, of which Roberto Hack acted as secretary for many years.
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Guidance of Buddha’s teachings to overcome challenges
The impact of the debate was phenomenal, both locally and internationally. Locally, it was the principal factor behind reviving the identity and pride of Sinhala Buddhists. Internationally, it was instrumental in raising awareness of Buddhism in the West. After reading a copy of the book, Henry Steel Olcott, the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, came to Sri Lanka on May 17, 1880. With the arrival of Colonel Olcott, the activities of the revival movement accelerated
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Maria Montessori
She was a member of the Theosophical Society, a group dedicated to using education to alleviate poverty. She helped educate some of India’s poorest children during her time in the country.
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Hindu dancer left British India but returned to Independent India from Australia
Shivaram was the “star of India” who enjoyed constant attention from an excited Australian public. Before Shivaram’s arrival in Melbourne, Louise successfully started preparing the public to receive him by publishing extensively on Hindu dance art in Australian newspapers and magazines, teaching selected Australian ballet students Indian dance and giving public talks at the Theosophical Society and at Ballet clubs.
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If the ʺspirit,ʺ or the divine portion of the soul, is preëxistent as a distinct being from all eternity, as Origen, Synesius and other Christian fathers and philosophers taught, and if it is the same, and nothing more than the metaphysically‐objective soul, how can it be otherwise than eternal? And what matters it in such a case, whether man leads an animal or a pure life, if, do what he may, he can never lose his individuality? This doctrine is as pernicious in its consequences as that of vicarious atonement. Had the latter dogma, in company with the false idea that we are all immortal, been demonstrated to the world in its true light, humanity would have been bettered by its propagation.

H.P.B in "Isis Unveiled", p. 283.

Upcoming events

European School of Theosophy

Int. Theos. History Conference: The Theosophical Movement Innovations in Esotericism and Spirituality
5 to 7 of October 2022 ITC, Naarden, NL
more information, programm (pdf)


European School of Theosophy

EuST 2022: The Voice of the Silence: A Manual for Mystics
7 to 12 of October 2022 ITC, Naarden, NL
more information


Indo-Pacific Federation of the Theosophical Society

15th Indo-Pacific Conference (ONLINE): Finding Joy Amidst Uncertainty
12th - 14th November, 2022 Malaysia
more information


Theosophy Foundation

VI International Theosophical Congress
26th - 27th November, 2022 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
more information


TS Adyar Headquarter

International Youth Convention: The Hidden Side of Things
27 to 29 December 2022 Blavatsky Bungalow
more information


TS Adyar Headquarter

147th International Convention: Our Responsibility in the Interconnected World
31 December 2022 - 5 January 2023 Adyar, Chennai, India (partly webcasted)
more information


ITC-Board (ULT, TSPL, Adyar)

International Theosophy Conference 2022: Universal Symbolism of Theosophy - Unveiling the Language of Divine Thought

 July 19 – July 23, 2023 online event
more information


TS Adyar

12th World Congress of The Theosophical Society (Adyar)
23 – 29 July 2025, Vancouver, Canada
more information


News from Theosophical Societies

TS Adyar Netherland published a retrospective magazine "International Gathering of Young Theosophists" (pdf) that took place from 3 to 7 June 2022 at the International Theosophical Centre (ITC) Naarden.

The International Theosophy Conference 2022 (ITC): Theosophy: Discovering the Eternal Sun of Truth took place in July. All the Info about (Videos, Readings. Lectures) can be found here.

Also the 39th European Congress (Europ. Fed. of the TS Adyar and TS Adyar England): Healing Oneself Healing the World took place in August, but no records etc. have been provided yet.

European School of Theosophy (EuST) published some Newsletter, you can read here (Call for Papers - The Theosophical Movement Innovations in Esotericism and Spirituality), here (The Voice of the Silence: A Manual for Mystics) and here (THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT INNOVATIONS IN ESOTERICISM AND SPIRITUALITY).

ULT London published a News for Subscription of The Theosophical Movement magazine worldwide.

The (in this quarter 15) digital periodicals of the various societies, which sometimes also contain news, can be found as always in the magazine section, take a look, it's worth it.

TS (Adyar) in (North-)America published a lot of videos on it's YouTube Channel, see f.e. also the video-section. Also TS Adyar England, Theosophy Dehli, ULT BethesdaWellington Theosophical Society and TOS USA have active Youtube-Channels.

Also, some new international event have been announced, f.e. ITC 2023, to be found in the events section.

Devachan is the idealized continuation of the terrestrial life just left behind, a period of retributive adjustment, and a reward for unmerited wrongs and sufferings undergone in that special life.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Key to Theosophy (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1893), p. 90.

Theosophical Magazines

The TS (Pasadena) Australasian Section

Theosophy Downunder
Newsletter of the Theosophical Society (Pasadena) Australasian Section
publisher, Sept. 2022 (pdf)


TS (Adyar) in Australia

Theosophy in Australia Quarterly
Newsletter/Quarterly of the TS (Adyar) in Australia
publisher, Sept. 2022 (pdf)


The Aquarian Theosophist

The Aquarian Theosophist (A Journal in Four Languages)
publisher, Sept. 2022 (pdf), Aug. 2022 (pdf), July 2022 (pdf)


United Lodge of Theosophists (ULT)

The Theosophical Movement Magazine
publisher, July 2022 (pdf), August 2022 (pdf), Sept. 2022 (pdf)


The TS Adyar Indian Section

The Indian Theosophist
publisher, July 2022 (pdf), Aug. 2022 (pdf), Sept. 2022 (pdf)


The TS Adyar HQ

The Theosophist / Adyar Newsletter
publisher, July 2022, Aug. 2022 (pdf) and Sept. 2022 (pdf)


The TS Pasadena American Section

The Spiral Path
publisher, 011 Autumnal Equinox (pdf)


Articles from Theosophical sites

Blavatsky News

Montreal Theosophy Project

Book of Dzyan Blog of David Reigle

Theos Talk

Theosophy Forward

The function of Theosophists is to open men's hearts and understandings to charity, justice, and generosity, attributes which belong specifically to the human kingdom and are natural to man when he has developed the qualities of a human being. Theosophy teaches the animal-man to be a human-man; and when people have learnt to think and feel as truly human beings should feel and think, they will act humanely, and works of charity, justice, and generosity will be done spontaneously by all.

H. P. Blavatsky to the American Conventions, letter 1

✴✴✴ The End  ✴✴✴

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I followed your link which gives the position of the "Adamant" Russian lodge. Since they are obviously pro-Putin and wish to push that position, including the claim that the US is somehow responsible for the war initiated by Russia, I think it's perfectly OK to throw the bums out. They have demonstrated that they resonate with Russian propaganda, and in fact might be deliberately shilling for Russian imperialism. Furthermore, their claim that the Adyar TS threw out WQ Judge is completely false- he left of his own free will, and decided to start a rival group in part at least because he didn't respect Olcott. The international Society is better off without Russian imperialists.

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