Presentation of the Introductory Course: 15 Lessons on Esoteric Philosophy
Theosophy, whose study appeared in the last quarter of the 19th century, is an extraordinarily ancient esoteric philosophy based on scientific principles. Submerged for centuries because of religious intolerance and persecution of those who...
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Modern Theosophy
(Tibetan) Buddhism and Blavatsky’s Theosophy by K. Hesselink
A theosophist recently mailed me with some very specific questions about Blavatsky’s version of Tibetan Buddhism. Since they are common questions, I will also post them here.
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Sons of Fire
How science fools us
Modern science makes itself highly ridiculous, at least for self-thinking people. You need proof? Here it is!
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Theosophy Forward
Theosophy Forward
Editorial - Is my Theosophy better than yours?
Many are enthusiastic and encouraged because of the initiatives of ITC. (International Theosophy Conferences Inc.) Obviously this relatively young organization still has...
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Theosophy Forward
My Life in Theosophy and Otherwise
John and I come a long way. I first met him and his wife Adele in Naarden at the International Theosophical Centre, in the mid-1990s when he was in the Netherlands to conduct a seminar on Senzar.
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Theosophy Forward
Do you remember?
As a young person growing up I used to find humor in some of the things my parents did. One thing in particular that my father did I could never understand.
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Theosophy Forward
Do you remember?
As a young person growing up I used to find humor in some of the things my parents did. One thing in particular that my father did I could never understand.
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Theosophy Forward
The Unity Of Our Movement
The unity of the Theosophical Movement is not determined by any organizational structure in which any single authoritative body holds hegemony over other groups and dictates to them their policies.
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Theosophy Forward
A Theosophical View of Christianity
The Theosophical view of the early history of Christianity and of its founder, Jesus the Christ, is very different from that found in more orthodox sources, the latter being generally accepted without question by most Christians.
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Theosophy Forward
Karma and Justice
Karma is one of the basic ideas of Theosophy along with its twin doctrine, reincarnation. It is sometimes stated as a Law of Karma and is generally acknowledged as a fact by members of the Theosophical Society.
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Theosophy Forward
The Essential Unity of All Religions
When one looks at religious practices in the world today, one might as well ask “Is there an essential unity of all religions?”.
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Theosophy Forward
Human Regeneration – part seven
We have been pondering the subject of regeneration for several days. We shall also obtain copies of talks, questions and answers.
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Theosophy Forward
How to prove Theosophy?
Theosophy is not a religion. And it’s certainly not a belief. All theosophical leaders emphatically and repeatedly stated that you should investigate Theosophy yourself. But how? A
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Theosophy Forward
The Apostle Paul and Theosophy – Part one
Two thousand years ago, Europe and the Mediterranean world were ruled by the Roman Empire. Different provinces, cities and communities of the empire had varying rights and responsibilities.
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Theosophy Forward
Motive is Everything
In 1971 a man named Theodore Golas wrote a short book that went on to become an underground sensation. The setting for this phenomenon was in San Francisco just past the tumultuous peak of the 1960's.
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Theosophy Forward
The Theosophical Roots of Spiritual Education
In many countries, educational reforms are taking place to consider the changing needs of 21st century learners. The old factory model of education that was mainly concerned with churning out obedient workers no longer suits the needs of today’s world.
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Theosophy Forward
Good News
from the European School of Theosophy, from the International President, TS Adyar, rom International Theosophy Conferences, from the Netherlands – two, from the TOS in Pakistan, from the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, the Netherlands, from Belgium
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Theosophy Forward
Mini Interviews
Leslie Price, Lyn Trotman, John W. Sameluk, Sharon Ormerod, Chittaranjan Satapathy, H. Sripriya, Joanne Richter
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?
Uncovering the Real Inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
A Beginner’s Guide To Studying “The Secret Doctrine”
It’s no secret that H.P. Blavatsky’s master work “The Secret Doctrine” isn’t easy to read. It"The Secret Doctrine" by H.P. Blavatsky requires continual effort, attention, concentration, and not just reading but serious study.
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Ego Is Not a Bad Word
Many of today’s popular spiritual teachings have vilified the word “ego” to such an extent that a lot of people find it peculiar and puzzling to see this word used on a frequent basis in the teachings and literature of Theosophy...
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Anna Kingsford – In the Words of The Masters
Anna Bonus Kingsford (1846-1888) was a prominent member of the Theosophical Society in England during the early 1880s.
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Space, Motion, Duration, Matter
“It is Absolute Abstract Matter, which is perfectly and literally ONE with Absolute Abstract Space, Absolute Abstract Motion, and Absolute Abstract Duration. Students of “The Secret Doctrine” and the Masters’ letters will be...
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
What Exactly Is The Monad?
he title of this article expresses a question which many students of Theosophy have been asking themselves for over a century.
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
The Masters in Theosophy
Who are these Masters we have been referring to so often? An accurate understanding in this regard seems crucial to an accurate understanding of Theosophy and the Theosophical Movement.
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
The Ah-hi – Highest of the Hierarchies
“The AH-HI (Dhyan-Chohans) are the collective hosts of spiritual beings – the Angelic Hosts of Christianity, the Elohim and “Messengers” of the Jews – who are the vehicle for the manifestation...
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Real Occultism in 14 Aphorisms
The following aphorisms, fourteen in number, were first published in the October 1920 issue of “Theosophy,” the main monthly publication of the United Lodge of Theosophists, without any author’s name attached.
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Kill Out the Worm of Sense
The Self of Matter and the SELF of Spirit can never meet. One of the twain must disappear; there is no place for both...
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
Incarnations of the Highest Seven
“In ancient Symbolism it was always the SUN (though the Spiritual, not the visible, Sun was meant), that was supposed to send forth the chief Saviours and Avatars....
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
H.P. Blavatsky and The Birth of the Theosophical Movement
The life, work, and personality of H.P. Blavatsky (1831-1891) are so intimately and inseparably connected with Theosophy and the Theosophical Movement that it is impossible to talk about one without at the same time talking to...
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Blavatsky Theosophy UK
“Lodges” and “Initiations”
It’s perhaps useful for people to understand that despite the use of the same word, a Theosophical Lodge is quite different from a Masonic Lodge. Many of the latter are known for having various initiation rites, ritualistic...
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Theosophy Watch
Theosophy Watch
Animal Souls: How Leopard Diabolo Became Spirit
Soul energy exists in both humans and animals, and when they communicate on the same level, magic happens.
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Theosophy Watch
Universal Unity Changes Everything: The Overview Effect
When the Theosophical Society was founded in 1875, the First and foremost of its Three Objects was Universal Brotherhood.
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Theosophy Watch
Neuroplasticity: Carving Out New Pathways in The Brain
Breaking up is hard to do especially when it comes to ingrained scientific worldviews.
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Theosophy Watch
Growing the Child: A Moral and Spiritual Covenant
The occultist, spiritual co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky, was a tireless critic on a wide range of issues still oppressing society today.
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Theosophy Watch
Spiritual Vision: The Highest Order of Clairvoyance
The astral light is a storehouse and reflector of all the images of every event, feeling and thought, created by anyone on Earth.
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Theosophy Watch
In a Garden of Sunflowers Every Flower Turns Towards the Light
“THOREAU pointed out that there are artists in life, persons who can change the colour of a day and make it beautiful to those with whom they come in contact,” H. P. Blavatsky once wrote:
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Theosophy Watch
Theosophy Ethics: Crystal Clear, Inspiring, Challenging, Noble, Uncompromising, and Empathic
Equal justice to all and love to every creature are not the highest virtues in Theosophy according to its original resuscitator and promoter.
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Theosophy Watch
Soul Lessons of Love, Pain and Happiness
The twin doctrines of Karma (responsibility) and Reincarnation (hope) are keys to freeing us from the dark jungle of ignorance.
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Theosophy Watch
Healing Messages from the Afterlife
We live on a planet constantly in motion, and except for the occasional natural catastrophe, it is usually a very slow, orderly motion.
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Theosophy Watch
Karma and Reincarnation: The Logic of What Must Be
LOOKING past our relatively short physical lives on Earth, Theosophy views the soul as eternal. Further, this wisdom tradition declares, we don’t ‘have’ a soul, we are Souls.
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Theosophy Watch
Sow a Thought, Reap a Destiny
The uplifting adage “attitude is altitude” aptly pinpoints how the power of positive thought and intention affects every aspect of our lives.
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Theosophy Watch
ABought: The Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma, and Our Food
“Your great country I love so much for its noble freedom,” wrote the principal founder of modern Theosophy Mme. H. P. Blavatsky in addressing its Second Annual Convention in 1888.
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Daves's Theosophy News Board
Daves's Theosophy News Board
The Reign of King Neverhere
Given the issues that it is facing, the Adyar Theosophical Society needs strong leadership to steer it through very difficult times ahead.
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Daves's Theosophy News Board
Tim Boyd Visits Adyar (A Rare Event)
Yes, it’s true, Tim Boyd has actually been in Adyar. Not to deal with the sexual abuse allegations but to sort out the horrendously expensive mess that his Adyar Masters have caused.
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Esoteric Philosophy
Esoteric Philosophy
The Challenge of Learning
A Firm and Long-Term Effort Opens the Doors of Wisdom.
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Power of Good Will
Right Intention Has a Decisive Value (Immanuel Kant)
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Padagogy of Theosophical Wisdom
Examining the Best Ways to Walk
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Experimental Path
The Middle Way Between Blind Belief and Skepticism
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Esoteric Philosophy
A Course in Theosophy
An Online Approach to the Teachings of Esoteric Philosophy
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Esoteric Philosophy
Spiritual Organisation & Exploitation
The Living Interaction Between Pseudo-Gurus and Fake Disciples
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Esoteric Philosophy
The golden verses of Pythagoras
An Ancient Description Of The Philosophical Way of Life
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Esoteric Philosophy
Abandoing the Gospel of Money
Or How to Prepare the Birth of a Better Civilization
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Art of studying Theosophy
Every True Teaching Preserves The Independence of the Learner
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Psyconanalysis of Religions
Freud and the Masters of the Wisdom See Conventional Religiosity in Similar Ways
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Esoteric Philosophy
On what is Theosophy
The Many Dimensions of a Sacred Word
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Esoteric Philosophy
How to find the Master
Useful Information For an Effective Search
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Theosophy of Namaste
Mutual Okayity: Transactional Analysis And the Building of Universal Brotherhood
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Esoteric Philosophy
Barborka, on the Secret Doctrine
Why The Secret Doctrine Q. & A. Deserves a Place in Everyone’s Library
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Library of the Soul
A Daily Exercise of Those Who Search for Wisdom
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Full Moon of May
A Dialogue Between Human Soul and the Pleiades
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Esoteric Philosophy
Universal Brotherhood still a Puzzle
And There’s No Need to Pretend We Know All About It
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Exercise of Patience
Real Virtue Proceeds From a Positive Attitude in Thought and Feeling
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Esoteric Philosophy
The Opportunities Ahead of us
The Secret Doctrine on Geological Cycles by HPB
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Esoteric Philosophy
Qualitity and Quantity
David, Goliath and the Alchemical Process
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Esoteric Philosophy
From Ritualism to Raja Yoga
The Path to Discipleship Depends on Self-Knowledge, Not Blind Obedience
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Esoteric Philosophy
From Fear to Happiness
Observing the Sources of Confidence in Life
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Esoteric Philosophy
Neptune, a Mystery in front of us
The Blue Planet Teaches Unity With All, But It Also Produces Illusions
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Esoteric Philosophy
How to start the day
Upon Awakening in the Morning, Our First Thoughts Reorganize and Activate Our Personal Aura
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Book of Dzyan Research
Book of Dzyan Research
Ātman/Anātman in Buddhism and Its Implication for the Wisdom Tradition
As for the relevance of The Ātman-Brahman in Ancient Buddhism to the “Book of Dzyan,” the Upaniṣadic ātman or brahman has been equated by Blavatsky and the Theosophical Mahatma teachers to the first fundamental proposition of the Secret Doctrine: an omnipresent, eternal, boundless, and immutable principle.
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Book of Dzyan Research
More on Ātman-Brahman by Kamaleswar Bhattacharya
The late Kamaleswar Bhattacharya (died 2014) continued to write on the theme of Ātman-Brahman in ancient Buddhism throughout his life, in various articles.
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