Theosophy News Worldwide 2nd Quarter 2014 - Topic of the quarter


Some official News and Articles (TS)

TS Adyar

Tim Boyd's inaugural address

It is a great honour to be here with all of you.
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The Theosophical Society in England

Tim Boyd is the new president of the international Theosophical Society headquartered in Adyar

The lectures of the symposium ‘How our consciousness changes our brain’ on May 17-18 will be broadcast live on the internet in three languages.
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TS Adyar in America

International Election Results

On Sunday, April 27, the votes were counted for the election of the new International President of the Theosophical Society. Tim Boyd was elected.
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TS in Australia

Campbell Library Newsletter: Tim Boyd, new International President of the TS.

This Newsletter includes some extracts of articles by Tim Boyd from the collection of periodicals held at the Campbell Theosophical Research Library.
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The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society

Newsletter May 2014

The Great Wesak Blessing, White Lotus Day, 37th Edition of A Course in Theosophy & Meditation, Wesak Celebration, Study Class on The Voice of the Silence
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And some critical News and Articles

Modern Theosophy

Some Thoughts on the T.S.’ Direction

by Katinka Hesselink: I've moved on from the Theosophical Movement and many of the concerns expressed by the author of the below seem unreal to me these days. However, in a way that merely means I agree. I am publishing this for two reasons:
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Daves's Theosophy News Board

Why Did The 2014 Election Go Ahead?

The General Council was confronted with considerable evidence that the election was bent but just stood there and let it go ahead.
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Daves's Theosophy News Board

Bent Election Result

Rubber Stamped by General Council.
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Daves's Theosophy News Board

Election Committee Ignores Misconduct

It becomes clear that the election committee had valid evidence for misconduct but ignored it
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Daves's Theosophy News Board

Serious Concerns Raised

About the Conduct of the 2014 Presidential Election
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Daves's Theosophy News Board

Why was Campaigning Banned During the 2014 Election?

Because if CVK Maithreya had been allowed to campaign then members would have realised how good he is.
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Dave’s Theosophy News Board

11,432 Votes Is That All?

So a result has been announced and the officially stated figures are that CVK Maithreya polled 4,242 votes and Tim Boyd was the winner with 7,190 votes.
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Dave’s Theosophy News Board

Was Your Vote Counted?

The members cast their votes and have the right to proof that they are counted properly. If there are doubts then the election should be declared null and void.
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Dave’s Theosophy News Board

Trouble After the Election

The General Council’s collaboration with the Adyar ruling elite’s self serving agenda is resulting in an electoral outcome which is widely mistrusted.
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And also some News and Articles from non-Theosophy-related Sites

The Times of India

Theosophical society looks at change under new head

"I'm the most recent of them to bring my particular set of imperfections to the world of the Theosophical Society, but I promise you I will try (to do my best)," said Tim Boyd, the 8th elected global president of Theosophical Society since its inception in 1875.
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The Hindu

Theosophical Society gets new president

Tim Boyd is the new president of the international Theosophical Society headquartered in Adyar.
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The election of the International President of the TS-Adyar