Sometimes it's a helpful tool to figure out, how often a specific keyword is searched. Here you can find f.e. how often Theosophy was searched with Google since 2004. As you can see, the interest decreased by 75% in the last 13 years and that, although the traffic in Google has increased much more than tenfold within this time period [1]. It's disappointing, to see, that even such a stupid opinion like "flat earth" has much more attention in the web than Theosophy (see chart here).
Not as worse but not really better it looks like, if you search the relevance of Theosophy in published Books, what you can do with Google NGram Viewer, that's based on Google books. Type in Theosopy and you will see a huge first impact 1840 (?), a second peak in 1890 (SD?), a third peak in 1929 (what can this be?) and than a strong decreasing by 50% until 1940 and a lower decreasing until today. Also sad, if you think about, how much more books were printed in the last 100 years, than before and that probably a hughe percentage are books that infamize Theosophy.
What we see is, that we lose relevance, particular DIGITAL RELEVANCE. Everyone can imagine, what it means for the future of the Movement - if we are unable to reach the Digital Natives, those who learn, provide information and communicate mostly in the digital world.
And what is one of the main reasons for that, for decrease of membership number and loss of relevance on all fronts? It's not the fact, that there are comparatively less capital spending from TS into Social Media, Websites, modern Marketing, to spread the teachings to the youth, no, even if we would do so, we would still have antoher big problem.
All this is not the fault of all the people that work hard to carry important and excellent theosophical websites, magazines and newsletter or events. No, it's the fault of the Theosophical Societies, it's people in power, because they don't fight against false allegations.
Best example (one of thousands) is the Theme of the quarter in the last newsletter. I posted, that in a book of an american historian it is asserted, that
Joerg Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List [both sick raccists, founder/supporter of a crude world view named Ariosophy] led Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society in Germany [!!!!]
what is absolute wrong. And what happend? Nothing! No-thing! Another great damage!
Even if one may think, that it is better to do something for the good, as to fight against the bad - what is often correct - is in this case H.P. Balavtsky correct, if she said, that we should
defending the Society from the unjust aspersions cast upon it, by every legitimate device in their power.
Let's imagine, someone tells a big malicious lie about you, f.e., that you admire Adolf Hitler and you wish to burn all Jews at the stake. Now people ask you, if this is correct or if it is a lie. And what would people think about you, if you keep silence? Yes, most of them would think, that you are guilty. And that's the problem, the TS's are silent since decades in such cases!
That's the reasons, why it is the responsibility of the Theosophical Societies to fight against this false allegations. Yes, to invest a part of the money in lawyers (if there is no theosophical altruistic lawyer worldwide out there), to fight against such lies in books, newspapers, in Wikipedia and on major websites etc., in the best case all TS together! Or if this is not possible, to list all the false allegations with falsification on the Website! But instead?
The Term Occultism? Burned and unusable today! Swastika? Burned! The term Esotericism? Ask some young people, it becomes rapid a synoym for asininity! The term Theosophy? Almost burned too, isn't it? It's closer than you think, that it will become a "fact", that Blavatsky and Theosophy was the "spiritual" fundament of Nazi-ideology. Some powerful people working to achieve that (in the last newsletter there were many examples more, also in this again, see the section "False Allegations" within news from outside the movement). This is a problem we cannot sit out. We know too well what the root of this dirt campaign is and almost anymore unanswered lies are necessary until the term Theosophy is completely burned. And then?
Young people wouldn't touch Theosophy with a bargepole (as it is often already today, because they read all the lies but no correction), equal how much money we would invest in intelligent, modern, digital marketing, appropriate for the target audience, to convince and win kids and teenager, young people, the only one, those who are usually open minded enough for such a holistic new world view that Theosophy represents.
And thats the real problem, the creeping death, a bitter death, that ends and starts with: SILENCE.
So please act now to defend Theosophy, immediately, together and well eliberated, f.e. with a manifest, where all the false alegations are listeed, with its deeper reasons and also disproved for communication of the TS's online. Drope me a line or start a discussion about it on the web or within yout TS.