Theosophy News Worldwide 1st Quarter 2018

This issue was published on 2018-04-12 or 6 years ago.


Steven Otto

Dear friends of Theosophy,

some spectecular insights from TS Adyar are all over town, f.e., that Tim Boyds Presidentship ended after three years automatcically and his further activities are ilegal, because of the "Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1975 that limits the term of the office bearers to three years with unlimited re-election". Seriously? Have a look at the topic of the quarter, there you will find further information, because I'm not to deep in it.

The biggest impact outside the movement in this quarter in a positive way beside many other storys, I think, was first, the donation of € 300.000 of the famous author Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code) to the Ritman Library to digitize thousands of (quote) "pre-1900 texts on alchemy, astrology, magic, and theosophy” and second, as far as I can see, that two works of the Theosophy-inspirated artist Mildred Thompson were acquired by National Museum of Women in the Arts as, f.e., the New York Times reported (see the press review section for more).

But also much dirt was thrown again against Theosophy. Our "admires" resuscitate the old story of Theosohy as the "spiritual" foundation of Nazi-Germany-Ideology since a few months with much effort and good success, because no one (TS) become active against such horrible big lies (in contrary to the suggestions of HPB). And so we lose all together as the Theosophical Movement more and more popularity, as I exlpained in the last issue of this newsletter - the killing sound of silence. See for the new negative spin offs in this case the press review section within the topic false allegations (at the bottom).

Like every issue - beside all the news from the Theosophical Societes and related organisations worldwide, as only one example of many, the new FOTA-newsletter - you can find of course within the section News from theosophical Websites many new articles from such websites, f.e. is back again after a longer break with some articles in relation to sexuality and transgender from a personal theosophical point of view.

And now I wish you an interesting reading and a peaceful spring. With kind regards from Germany

Steven Otto
Editor of Theosophy World News

Topic of the quarter


This Insides are as so often from Theos Talk Yahoo Mailinging List: Get here a quick summary of the TS Adyar insights this quarter, for a deeper study see the following (its only a selection of much more message within the channel):

See also a statement from Jan N. Kind from TS Adyar on Facebook in regard to the "president-issue": click here and here a statement from the GC Members of TS Adyar click here.


Press outside the movement about Theosophy


The Da Vinci code author Dan Brown has just donated €300,000 to the Ritman Library to digitize thousands of “pre-1900 texts on alchemy, astrology, magic, and theosophy.” as, and The Nerdist reported.

The Sri Lanka Guardian published an article about Forgotten Bohemian of Sri Lanka : C. Jinarajadasa.

In The Hindu you can read about the beggining of the Theosophical Library in Chenai in the article ‘Maruthanayagam’ and Yusuf Khan.

On you can read Meher Marfatia: Wadi wonder under the bridge which is related th the Theosophical Society.

The Londonist claims a blue plaque for HBP (and other important woman) asking Where Are All The Blue Plaques For Women?.

In an artcile about Ruchi Ram Sahni in The Wire is said, that he challenged Madame Blavatsky.

The Hindu mentioned HBP or its teachings by the way in two articles here and here.

The Krotono Institute of Theoosphy was mentioned in the LA Times within the article Ojai residents take stock of their blessings — and vulnerability — after surviving the Thomas fire, also reported.

The Bolton News announces a meeting of the Bolton Theosophical Society

Henry Steel Olcott was mentioned in the article Why so many Americans think Buddhism is just a philosophy in The Durango Herald.

In a book-review in Theosophy and R. Steiner in relation to Einstein and Kafka is mentioned.

Elsie Howey, who become a theosophist in 1923 and left most of her estate to the English Theosophy Trust, was part of the Book: Hidden Heroines: The Feisty Women who fought for Women’s Suffrage, as Worcester News reported.



There is an Interview on with Artist Jonathan Anderson were he stated that Theosophy and spiritualism were definitely important to the history of modernist art.

An article about Rukmini Devi Arundale and Theosophy you can read on

HPB is mentioned from swedish musican Anna von Hausswolff in its Interview 'Forget about space and time, it's eternal and mysterious' published in

It seems that Chlöe Herington publihsed a music albim wit a song about the Thesophical Society, as we can read in The Quietus.

Galerie St. Etienne in New York is hosting an exhibition titled Drawing the Line: Realism and Abstraction in Expressionist Art as reported and which has also theosophical influence.



An article in The Vice about Anna Kingsford relates her to Theosophy and Black Magic.


False Allegations

Stu Salkeld promotes the big lie, that Nazi-Ideology and Hitler co-opted Blavatskys Writtings, as you can read in the Stettler Independent in the article Social justice warriors don’t like Nordic runes.

Another article that claims, that Theosophy leads to Neo-Nazism, which is a lie.

In The Daily Sentinel Theosophy, a teaching that leads to Altruism and Philantropy, is drawn as a Apocalyptic religion from a "Professor" of University of Denver.

Two works by Theosophy-inspirated artist Mildred Thompson were acquired by National Museum of Women in the Arts as, and New Nork Times reported.

Jordan Peterson & Fascist Mysticism is another article that raise false allegations against Theosophy releated to facism.

Another site that propagate the lie, that many nazi-germany officials were inspirated by Theosophy.


If the ʺspirit,ʺ or the divine portion of the soul, is preëxistent as a distinct being from all eternity, as Origen, Synesius and other Christian fathers and philosophers taught, and if it is the same, and nothing more than the metaphysically‐objective soul, how can it be otherwise than eternal? And what matters it in such a case, whether man leads an animal or a pure life, if, do what he may, he can never lose his individuality? This doctrine is as pernicious in its consequences as that of vicarious atonement. Had the latter dogma, in company with the false idea that we are all immortal, been demonstrated to the world in its true light, humanity would have been bettered by its propagation.

H.P.B in "Isis Unveiled", p. 283.

Upcoming events

European School of Theosophy (EuST, Adyar)

European School of Theosophy
12 to 17 October 2018 in Pescia, Italy
more information


TS in Germany e.V.

National Summer Convent
9 - 11 August 2018 in Huetscheroda, Eisenach
more information


TOS (TS Adyar)

4th International TOS Conference
9 - 11 August 2018 in Singapore
more information


TS Adyar

11th World Congress
4 - 9 August 2018 in Singapore
more information



International Theosophy Conference 2018
July 26 - 29, 2018 in Berlin, Germany
more information


TS Adyar Germany

National Summer Convent 2018
July 11 - 15, 2018..., Germany
more information


News from Theosophical Societies

TS Adyar (HQ) send a newsletter in which you can find the latest news about the Adyar Renovation Project, see here.

The second issue of the ULT quarterly Newsletter was published. You can download and read it here (PDF).

A new issue of the FOTA (Friends of Theosophical Archive) Newsletter was published, issue no. 8 with almost 100 sites, have a look here (PDF), see also FOTA on Facebook

The Programm of the 2018 European School of Theosophy (EuST) was released, see here the PDF or here a newsletter .

The TS (Pasadena) Australasian Section has published its latest Newsletter-Issue with many News from TS Pasadena worldwide and a lot more, read here the March-Issue (pdf).

The TS in Australia has published the latest March-issue of Theosophy in Australia Magazine (pdf).

TS (Adyar) in New Zealand published some new videos from its latest National Convent.

Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) announced a new director of TOS Canada, see here

TOS USA published some news, in the presidents blog section Spiritual Midwifery and some news Kern Matching Grant and Meet Our Latest Scholarship Recipient: Joanne Thompson

TS (Adyar) in America published three new video-logs of its president Barbara Hebert, see here. Also some articles from the latest Quest Magazine were published.

TS Adyar (HQ) send a newsletter Singapore calling to gain attention for the 11th World Congress in August in Singapore.

TS Point Loma Blavatsky House The Hague published the latest Issue of Lucifer (1/2018) and some other news you can read here. See also some new videos in the video-section of its site.

The TS Adyar Indian Section published three new issues of The Indian Theosophist Magazine.

United Lodge of Theosophists (ULT) published new issues of The Theosophical Movement Magazine. ULT Volunteers have been working to reproduce H P Blavatsky’s "Theosophical Articles" in electronic format, the first volume of three is here in a free PDF, have a look here

Devachan is the idealized continuation of the terrestrial life just left behind, a period of retributive adjustment, and a reward for unmerited wrongs and sufferings undergone in that special life.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Key to Theosophy (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1893), p. 90.

Theosophical Magazines

The TS Adyar Indian Section

The Indian Theosophist Magazine – February and March 2018
publisher, February (pdf), March (pdf)


United Lodge of Theosophists (ULT)

The Theosophical Movement Magazine Issue January to March 2018
publisher, January (pdf), February (pdf), March (pdf)


The TS (Adyar) in Australia

Theosophy in Australia Magazine March 2018
publisher, March (pdf)


TS Point Loma - Blavatskyhouse The Hague

Lucifer No. 1/2018
publisher, No.1/2018 (pdf)


The Aquarian Theosophist

The Aquarian Theosophist – January to March 2018
publisher, January (pdf), February (pdf), ''March (pdf)


The TS (Pasadena) Australasian Section

Theosophy Downunder
Newsletter of the Theosophical Society (Pasadena) Australasian Section, March 2018
publisher, March (pdf)


Articles from Theosophical sites

Montreal Theosophy Project

Theosophy Watch

Blavatsky News

Blavatsky Theosophy UK

Theosophy Forward

Book of Dzyan Research

Universal Theosophy

The function of Theosophists is to open men's hearts and understandings to charity, justice, and generosity, attributes which belong specifically to the human kingdom and are natural to man when he has developed the qualities of a human being. Theosophy teaches the animal-man to be a human-man; and when people have learnt to think and feel as truly human beings should feel and think, they will act humanely, and works of charity, justice, and generosity will be done spontaneously by all.

H. P. Blavatsky to the American Conventions, letter 1

Letter to the editor

Jan. 2018

Patrick C. via Facebook

Your well researched piece on the declining interest in Theosophy is discouraging indeed: ''.....'' You're absolutely right about the need for ''digital marketing appropriate for the target audience.'' That includes quality visual presentations (since the younger generation are not big readers to say the least) . I'm still hopeful though. I know of many young passionate Theosophists doing good work. Interest in the Ageless Wisdom is increasing dramatically in Latin American countries. On another thread here it was mentioned that the Youtube video: The Hidden History of Humanity (Monadic Media) has had over 1,000,000 views, and popular writers about Theosophy and esotericism like Gary Lachman are reaching many young people. There are many good biographies of HPB published in recent years and scholarly/academic books & articles. Likewise there are many Theosophical websites (like Theosophy Forward) and large Facebook groups centered on occult themes - not necessarily on HPB but around Hermeticism, esoteric Christianity, Gnosticism, Manly Hall, etc. Most modern occultism stems from HPB, though members of these various movements and groups often don't know of her influence on their favorite writers. As you say, we must continue to do our utmost to spread Theosophy with its intelligent teachings on spiritual evolution, interdependence and Unity. Thanks for another excellent issue of Theosophy World News.

Jan. 2018

From Scott R. via Facebbok

Your articles on the Esoteric Section caught my attention [this articles where posted in Theos Talk Yahoo Group, its not from me]. My personal opinion is that the ES should be discontinued. It runs contrary to what I thought the TS was all about when I joined. There is no need for a Secret Society of the select and privileged within the TS. If there is going to be an Esoteric Section the rules of membership should be the same as the rules of membership to join and be a member the TS. Given those requirements neither HPB nor Olcott could have been a member of the present day ES. In truth it is a secret private club for those seeking prestige ,free housing and/or support from the TS. If there is going to be an ES it should be transparent and equally open to all members of the Society. Until that occurs the TS Adyar will never and can never achieve its full potential. This is only my personal and humble opinion. I understand that some will be offended by what I say here ,however my intent is not to offend ,but only to express my opinion. Thanks.

✴✴✴ The End  ✴✴✴

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